Bruce Them All One

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When I was Bruce Wayne, I thought that with enough preparation, I would always win. But I was wrong. I was trapped in an unwinnable war, refusing to see the obvious answers right in front of me. The answers that are so clear to me now with victory right around the corner. To win, you need to adapt, and to adapt, you need to be able to laugh away all the restraints.

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Everything holding you back. A Batman who laughs. Is a Batman who always wins. — The Batman Who Laughs The Batman Who Laughs is the Bruce Wayne from of the. He was a lieutenant of and leader of the.

After their defeat, he helped learn about the origin of the Omniverse while also hatching another plan to infect the whole world like him and infected a group of heroes to utilize in his plans, terming them the. Contents History OriginThe story of the Batman of Earth -22 was not much different from that of any other version of the Caped Crusader.

He was also a member of the. When the Lex Luthor of his world decided to become a hero and tried to convince the League to let him join, he was the only one to oppose him as he knew he didn't really believe in being a hero but only was interested in himself.Everything went sideways for him when the started a killing spree across Gotham City, as he was dying from the same chemicals that had turned him into what he was. He murdered all of including the,.

He also saw the corpse of his friend who was killed after springing an acid trap planted by the Joker in his notebook.Batman was later drugged by Joker, affecting his body but not his mind, so he could witness the chaos he caused. The Joker bombed a hospital in front of Bruce, told him how he had killed Gordon by melting his face with acid and shot dead parents of many young children in front of him before proceeding to inject the orphaned children with the. Batman eventually broke free of his restraints and ended up beating and choking him to death in anger, repeatedly asking him to stop. Unbeknownst to him, the Joker exhaled a toxin contained in his heart, which infected anyone close to him if he died. In this case, it was Batman.Two days after the murder of the Joker, Batman and talked about what had happened. Bruce revealed that Joker went as far as he did because he was dying. Though he felt no guilt, he affirmed that he was not planning to make killing a regular thing.

Superman assured him that the branch in had agreed to take care of all the kids who had been infected by the Joker Venom and acquired his personality.A day later, and were training in the when they noticed the training robots were fighting harder than usual. Though they succeeded at the exercise, Nightwing voiced what they were all feeling; something was wrong and Bruce brought them there to talk about it. Bruce explained that he had been infected by an advanced nanotoxin that had been contained in Joker's cells to turn the mind of anyone who killed him like that of his. Nightwing presumed he was training them so they could take him down in case he turned, but he declined when the pleaded to let them help him. Batman however stated that he hadn't called them to help him, but to surpise them as he proceeded to shoot his sidekicks dead.Bruce later convinced his son to join his side. A week after the Joker's death, he had slaughtered the rest of the Justice League by using the stockpiles of various villains' weaponry they had built up over the years. On the, he cornered Superman by injecting a Kryptonite-infused gas into the air, making Clark's eyes bleed, and stated that he didn't want to hold back anymore.

Clark warned him that people will resist him after realizing what he has become, Bruce responded that he looks forward to it otherwise it won't be fun. He then brought his wife and his son before him, the latter also suffering from bleeding eyes.Bruce then mocked him and asked him to lie to his family that it will be okay, which Clark refused. He then unveiled a warped Damian and the rest of the to Clark, before showing a modified, stating that he tested it on who killed her own foster parents before dying herself. Bruce's transformation into 'The Batman Who Laughs' was finished, allowing him to cackle as Clark and Jon tore Lois apart before dying after he tossed the kryptonite towards them. He also went on to slaughter many of the Immortal Men, before realizing how many of them truly were there in the world.The people of Earth -22 fought back, but Bruce annihilated everything they threw at him until he and his Robins were all that remained.

The last one to face him was Alfred, who almost managed to defeat Bruce by rigging his cave, his vehicles and all his equipment. But by convincing Alfred that there was still hope for him, Bruce managed to trap Alfred in sub-caves and by feeding him scraps and whispering to his ear all the time, Bruce managed to break Alfred to become his loyal servant again.As his world began to fade from existence, arrived and revealed the rest of the Dark Multiverse to him, and his plans to go after the true Multiverse as well. Believing him to be the ideal Bat to help him, he made him the spearhead for his plans to drag all of creation into darkness. Assembling the KnightsThe Batman Who Laughs went out into the to assemble out there to aid in conquering the main. Traveling to each of the Knights' worlds minutes before they were erased from existence, he appealed to their desire not only to live, but to bring their unique brands of truth and justice to worlds beyond their own. Each Batman jumped at the opportunity, and they awaited their moment to travel to. Once the summoned them, his first act was to have his warped Robins slaughter the Court's leaders.

He then set the Knights loose upon the hometowns of each member of the Justice League.This Batman was next seen aiding the other Knights in defeating aboard the. Once Victor was down, the Batman Who Laughs explained that they had been called into because of a great ringing, and that despite their nightmarish nature, they were needed to save the world. Games in GothamAfter taking over the Justice League Watchtower, each Dark Knight was given control of a city. The One Who Laughs was assigned the protection of Gotham, as it was where Barbatos would fulfill his plans.

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Bruce watches over the Bruce fought his way through, causing a mass breakout of the mentally impaired. Bruce offered playing cards made out of Cosmic Metallurgy to worst of Batman's enemies, a material originating in the Dark Multiverse which allowed the wielder to manipulate reality. The villains to receive the cards were the,. These villains were each given a section of the city to rule over, with sitting in the middle of the city. The quadrants were designed so that if someone wanted to get to Batman on top of the Challengers Mountain, they would have to go through each villain to get there.The One Who Laughs was able to see the carnage ensue from his mountain top, viewing each villain's actions with the reality warping powers of his cards. Eventually the, a group of teenage superheroes led by, entered the arena of war. Riddler was located in the outermost ring of the city and so battled the young heroes first.

Robin soon became separated with the rest of the Titans, forging an alliance with fellow hero to defeat Riddler. Due to his lack of imagination with the card, Riddler was defeated by the Titans. Disappointed by the waste of a card, Bruce decided to send his Damian into battle against the Teen Titans. Death in the FamilyThe also made their way into the city where and quickly became separated from the rest of the Squad.

Robin and Arrow soon met up with in Freeze's realm, with Croc and Quinn joining shortly afterwards. Meanwhile the Suicide Squad and the Teen Titans formed an alliance but were quickly ambushed by Bruce's army of Robins led by Damian. Damian was able to capture the two teams, who were forced into servitude after being effected by Bruce's Joker Gas. Robin, Croc, Harley, Nightwing and Arrow, now known as the Resistance, were able to defeat Mister Freeze after discovering an armoury of Nth Metal in an old vault, capable of effecting the denizens of the Dark Multiverse.The Resistance trekked through the territory of Firefly, avoiding his minions where they could. Eventually they were captured by Poison Ivy, however they were able to escape. They then came across Damian with the Jokerized Suicide Squad and Teen Titans.

The Resistance were no match for the far superior enemy and so fled into the territory of Mad Hatter. There's something missing here. This section of the article is incomplete, and contains information, but requires more before it can be considered complete. You can help DC Database by editing this page, providing additional information to bring this article to a higher standard of quality.The Batman Who Laughs watches as his teammates torture the Justice League, but his joy is interrupted by Cyborg, who saves the Justice League. He attacks Wonder Woman after she finds Hawkman's mace, shooting her in the head with bullets made of the 8th metal. Later, he reveals he has captured the, who, when linked up with the Anti-Monitor's astral brain, would destroy all of reality, both the Dark Multiverse and the Multiverse and leave nothing but darkness. However, his plan is interrupted by the Justice League and their allies from the Multiverse, including Batman of an Older Universe, Vampire Batman, and a Batman of Earth-30.

Bruce Wayne of Prime Earth confronts The Batman Who Laughs, resulting in Bruce getting shot. However, the Joker arrives and assists Bruce in fighting The Batman Who Laughs, cutting off his fingers in the process.

The Joker explains to the Batman Who Laughs his one true weakness: he is able to come up with everything, but only for things that Bruce Wayne can think of. And the one thing that Bruce Wayne would never plan on is Batman teaming up with the Joker. Bruce escapes with the Over-Monitor while the cave collapses on The Batman Who Laughs and the Joker.House of Conquest and ImprisonmentThe Batman Who Laughs survived after the defeat of his master Barbatos, allying himself to the in assaulting the. He manipulated things from behind, after realizing their potential and was present when the House of Conquest attacked 'The Campus', the headquarters of the Council of Immortals. The agreed to take his help despite not trusting him, believing he'll help to start an open war in the world as she believed humanity was becoming weak without conflict. He had directed her to use the blood of the Immortal Men in furthering her goal through the Blood Engines, in order to start her eternal war that would cull the weak.Sometime after assisting the House of Conquest, he went looking for of Prime Earth, infilitrating 's Multiverse Research Lab. He persuaded Lex to not kill him as he knew about the secrets of the and deliberately let himself be imprisoned in the under many layers of defense.

The Joker, and became uncomfortable upon realizing who their captive was. Bruce was capable of breaking out of this cell at any point, but wanted to bide his time. Eventually Lex released him in exchange for knowledge about the 's secret and about.Batman ends up finding the dead body of a Bruce Wayne seemingly from a different universe. Upon further inspection, he deduces that the Batman Who Laughs is behind it. Meanwhile, in Arkham Asylum, yet another Batman from the Dark Multiverse namely appears and guns down most of the security guards in order to reach the Joker's cell. The Batman Who Laughs himself makes an appearance only to discover that the Joker is a decoy. In the Batcave, the real Joker turns up and Batman offers protection and partnership.

The Joker instead commits suicide stating that the only way Batman can defeat The Batman Who Laughs is by becoming him. The same toxin seems to take effect on Batman who starts laughing menacingly, much to Alfred's horror.After taking captive, the Batman Who Laughs travels with the Grim Knight to his hideout underneath Gotham City. He remarks that on his world, Jim Gordon had died before his transformation, so he was never able to befriend him properly. After hoping they could become friends (and possibly even partners later), the Batman Who Laughs returns Jim's glasses and places them on his head; he then leaves Jim Gordon in the care of Grim Knight and travels to the next portal location:.

Taking on the disguise of a senior officer named David Harper, the Batman Who Laughs encounters Batman and another Bruce Wayne from a universe where Wayne is the warden of Blackgate. The Batman Who Laughs is able to separate Batman and kills Bruce Wayne by slashing his throat; he gleefully taunts Batman for trying to see the world through the eyes of his children and suggests that he try looking through the eyes of his TRUE child: The Batman Who Laughs. He removes his visor to show Batman his true face for the first time. The Batman Who Laughs then turns back on his disguise, ordering the arriving officers to open fire on Batman for supposedly killing Bruce Wayne and being The Batman Who Laughs. Batman tries to tell the guards the truth, but Laughs overrides it and orders the officers to keep shooting and call in reinforcements before taking his leave.While this was happening, the Batman Who Laughs traveled deep beneath Gotham to meet with the; after arriving, he asks that he needs a favor from them.

The court however are not interested in hearing him out and contemplate in making him suffer for their amusement. They decide to let the 'littlest one' among them choose his fate, prompting a girl in a wheelchair to approach The Batman Who Laughs and ask him why they should listen to his request. The Batman Who Laughs tells the 'little one' that they both share the same goal, to make Gotham the city it was meant to be. He states that for it to succeed, all the court has to do is grant him one small favor.The little one refuses and instead decides to unleash the Talons upon the madman, telling him to take up his request with them. Initially feigning fear and desperation, The Batman Who Laughs soon informs the little one that he already did while the now armless Talons stumble into view.

The Court of Owls begin to flee as The Batman Who Laughs proceeds to detonate explosives he planted earlier to reshape their labyrinth and make escape much more difficult. Terrified for her life, the little one tells The Batman Who Laughs he can have whatever he wants from the court; he responds by saying he just wanted them to all die screaming before pushing the little one into the water below them. The Batman Who Laughs then admits that despite his actions, he does have a lot of respect for the court. So much so that in one reality he became their leader and transports that version of Bruce Wayne from his native world to Prime Earth. The alternate Bruce proceeds to attack The Batman Who Laughs and a fight commences between them. Sometime later, it is believed that The Batman Who Laughs was victorious in his fight and killed the alternate Bruce.He then contacts Batman who answers it despite warnings from Commissioner Gordon not to.

The Batman Who Laughs reveals he is not there to taunt them and that he really needs to tell Batman about something he discovered from the Court of Owls' city archives. He reveals that the original Last Laugh built into Gotham years ago was not just designed to make the city a safe haven, but to also turn it into an incubator for conquest. A fortress city where the people could launch assaults while being protected from the rest of the world.

The knowledge that Gotham was violent even in its earliest days seemingly shatters Batman's faith in the city as he continues to hang on every word. Alfred tries to tell Batman through his commutator that the Joker's toxin in his bloodstream is reaching critical levels, but the butler's call is muted as The Batman Who Laughs goads his Prime Earth self into activating the Last Laugh protocol.After finishing his call to the Batcave and ensuring Last Laughs' activation, The Batman Who Laughs seeks out the fifth Bruce Wayne to murder. He crosses into a world where an elderly Bruce was about to receive an award for his years of service to the citizens of Gotham. Laughs waits with a sniper rifle for Bruce to walk up to accept the award when he is contacted by Batman, who suddenly makes Laughs' target vanish. The Batman Who Laughs mocks Batman for continuing to fight the toxin and estimates he has one more hour until it fully takes hold of him. The Batman Who Laughs is told that the Dark Metal is gone except for the largest stash under Wayne Manor, and now has control over the dark energy building up there. Batman also told The Batman Who Laughs that he will summon the last Bruce needed for the Dark Matter serum if the villain arrives at Wayne Manor in one hour.Despite calling his bluff and replying that he already has created enough serum to effect most of the city, The Batman Who Laughs decides to show up at the manor and finds Batman waiting for him.

Joyous to sense how affected Batman has become, The Batman Who Laughs admits he doesn't see what plan Batman could possibly have to use against him. He knows that if Batman exerts his body just a little more, he will complete his transformation and become just like himself; The Batman Who Laughs remarks that the action of moving a pitcher of water was all it took for himself to turn. Both Batmen proceed to fight each other while The Batman Who Laughs mentions that Bruce will make a very suitable counterpart despite calling him the worst out of all the Batmen. With little time left for his Prime Earth counterpart, The Batman Who Laughs decides to tell him the key to their happiness. The Batman Who Laughs explains that every version of Bruce he has pulled from their respective worlds are the happiest because they compromised on their ideals to achieve their goals differently.

However, Batman continues to be uncompromising, which Laughs believes actually prevents him from ever obtaining success or happiness. It is because of this The Batman Who Laughs thinks that even if Batman had seen every version of himself, he still wouldn't know how to find a single version of himself that was truly happy.Batman responds that he knows of one, before summoning a young cheerful Bruce Wayne from before his parents' murder. Young Bruce noticed the two men and believed to be playing a game. Batman told the boy to run past him and don't stop while he tries to prevent the 'monster' from catching him. However The Batman Who Laughs scoffs at this, saying that he doesn't need the boy. Throwing a Batarang at Batman (which gets jammed into his head), The Batman Who Laughs says he is after the happiest Bruce Wayne in existence to complete his serum; a Bruce Wayne who has entirely let go of his sadness and ideals to become the most 'evolved' of them all.

He then pulls out a syringe, and proclaiming Batman himself to be the Bruce Wayne he needs, jamming it into Batman's chest.Sensing that Bruce is essentially consumed by the toxin, The Batman Who Laughs asks his Prime counterpart if he agrees that letting go feels good. Becoming more demonic in appearance, he indicates once the light atop the syringe turns red, Bruce will fully become his duplicate. He then aims a gun at Bruce's head and reminds him there can only be one Batman who wins, before inexplicably turning the gun towards himself. After realizing Bruce anticipated him bringing a Wayne-Tech syringe and rigged a charge to try and fool him, Laughs shoots Bruce and disregards why he has not fully changed.

Before he can shoot again, the younger Bruce is able to disarm The Batman Who Laughs; letting out an evil chuckle, Laughs turns his sights towards his younger self and gives chase.The Batman Who Laughs corners the younger Bruce in the Wayne Manor graveyard; gleefully anticipating to butcher his younger self, Laughs is confronted by and repeatedly shot in the chest. Reminiscing about how it took a year to break his own Alfred, Laughs is surprised by Batman kicking him in the back of the head.

Angered over how Bruce has yet to turn, The Batman Who Laughs mocks him for relying on Alfred being his ultimate plan; he is taken by surprise when several depleted uranium harpoons are shot into him, painfully electrocuting Laughs.Ripping several of them out, The Batman Who Laughs continues to insult Batman only to get hit over the head by him using the headstone of their mother's grave. Now with a broken and dislocated jaw, the Batman Who Laughs can only gurgle a response as Batman mercilessly beats him with the headstone; The Batman Who Laughs weakly begs for Bruce to stop, only to get his head stomped underneath the headstone.

Remarkably, The Batman Who Laughs manages to survive, but is gravely injured. He is then taken and locked inside a dungeon within the.Before being captured, The Batman Who Laughs came up with a plan to infect the entire world and required the energies of six different heroes to get the process started.

Targeting members of the Justice League and their allies, the Batman who Laughs used special Batarangs coated with the same toxin that the Joker used to initially infect him to infect four heroes to his cause:,. After infecting Shazam, Laughs gives him a Batarang meant for and instructs him to infect the Man of Steel when the time comes. While personally unsuccessful in infecting Commissioner Gordon, Laughs is made aware that the Commissioner became infected regardless during a fight with the Grim Knight.After a period of time passes, The Batman Who Laughs is pleased to see an infected Superman arrive and break him out of his prison cell. Sensing something is off with him, however, Laughs decides to visit the Hall of Justice armory and reigns in Superman's wish to go on a rampage.

We, the public, have lapped up every morsel the Kardashian-Jenners have thrown to us. We've watched them court, marry, divorce, abuse alcohol, retreat into rehab, struggle to lose weight, break into modeling, and get pregnant. We've gone on their vacations, into their delivery rooms — several of them — and we've even been invited into the intimate confines of a fertility doctor's office.

Vaginal ultrasound on TV? Let's do two at once, thanks for the invite, Kim, and Khloe! And breaking news alert, on the day that Caitlyn's magazine cover was announced, it was also announced that Kim and Kanye were expecting their second child.

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