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Boring Man ClanA competitive Boring Man website ContributingThis website is a Django app and is developed on Linux and hosted on Github. If you would like to contribute to the website and work on it on your own computer there are a few steps you will need to take.

Getting setup on Windows (or Mac. The steps are basically the same)To work on the website there are a few tools you will need to install:You will need to install Docker toolbox to run the website on your own computer.If you aren't a Git expert you might want to install Github Desktop to download the source code for the website.If you don't already have a text editor you will need to download one in order to edit the source code. A good one to get started with is Atom.Getting setup on LinuxClone repo. Install docker.

Download here Boring Man for free: An action packed stick man game. Downloaded 1125 times!

Run Goto localhost in your browser. Downloading the website source code and running the website on your computerNow that you have all the tools, you need to get the source code to start working on the website. To get started you need to open up 'Docker Quickstart Terminal', its part of the Docker Toolbox you installed.

It will look something like this:After you have the terminal open type (to copy/paste just right click the mouse in the terminal): git clone go into the boringmanclan folder: cd boringmanclanCreate a file: echo 'import osos.environ'ENVIRONMENT' = 'development'os.environ'APISECRET' = 'Thisisaninsecuresecret'os.environ'DJANGOSECRETKEY' = 'Thisisanotherinsecuresecret' project/secrets.pyYour almost done! Find your Docker Machine's IP address by typing (write it down somewhere): docker-machine ipRun the website server (This will take a while on your first run if you have a slow internet connection/computer): bash development.shThats it. If everything worked you should have something like this showing in your terminal. If you don't, leave a comment here describing what happened and I will do my best to help. This does require some amount of expertise, if its not a quick fix I might have to refer you to the Docker/Git/Django docs.

Django version 1.9, using settings 'project.settings'Starting development server at the server with CONTROL-C.Now you should be able to visit the boringmanclan development website on your own computer by typing the Docker Machine IP you wrote down earlier in your web browser. It will be something like this: can login using the default 'root' who's password is also 'root'If that pulls up. Your ready to roll.To stop the server press Ctrl-C. To start it again type python runserver. To exit the Docker container press Ctrl-D. To open it up again type bash If all else fails you can always just close the terminal window, re-open it, and navigate back to the boringmanclan folder.

Editing the projectWant to change the way the website looks? Start messing around in project/templates and project/static/css directories. Saving and contributing your changesTo save your changes you need to make a git commit using the terminal or open up the Github Desktop app. This will record your changes to the project. For directions on how to make a commit,.After you have committed your changes, you need to make a pull request. A pull request lets me know you made changes and I can take those changes and pull them into the project and put them on the website.

To learn how to make a pull request. When you have done that let me know! I'll review it and when its ready, your changes will be incorporated into the website.

People often said that Thierry Boyle was the most boring man in the world. Thierry didn’t know why people thought he was so boring. Thierry thought he was quite interesting. After all, he collected stamps.

What could be more interesting than stamps? It was true that he didn’t have any other hobbies or interests, but that didn’t matter for Thierry. He had his job, after all. He had a very interesting job.

At least, Thierry thought it was interesting. Everybody else said that his job was boring. But he was an accountant! Why do people think that accountants are boring? Thought Thierry. Thierry thought his job was fascinating.

Every day, he went to his office, switched on his computer and spent seven and a half hours looking at spreadsheets and moving numbers around on them. What could be more interesting than that?But Thierry was unhappy. He was unhappy because people thought he was boring. He didn’t want to be boring. He wanted people to think that he was a very interesting person.

He tried to talk to people about his stamp collection. But every time he talked about his stamp collection he saw that people were bored. Because people were bored when he talked about his stamp collection, he talked about his job instead.

He thought people would be very interested when he talked about his job, but, no, people thought his job was even more boring than his stamp collection. Sometimes, people even went to sleep when he talked to them.Thierry thought about how to make himself more interesting. He decided that he needed to be famous for something.

He thought about his stamp collection and decided that perhaps his stamp collection could make him famous. Perhaps he had the biggest stamp collection in the world or perhaps he had a very valuable stamp. Yes, this was it, he decided.He wrote a letter to a local newspaper and asked them if they wanted to come and write an article about a local man with the biggest stamp collection in the world. The local newspaper wrote a letter back to Thierry telling him that actually the Queen of England had the biggest stamp collection in the world. Thierry was very sad to learn this, but wrote back to the newspaper, telling them that he thought he had the most valuable stamp in the world. The newspaper wrote back to him, telling him that the most valuable stamp in the world cost 2,240,000 dollars, and asking him if he was sure that he had it.

Thierry wasn’t sure that he had it. In fact, he was sure that he didn’t have it.

Perhaps his whole collection was very valuable though ‘Is it worth 10 million dollars?’ asked the man from the newspaper on the telephone when Thierry called him.‘Erm, no, I don’t think so ’‘Forget it then,’ said the man from the newspaper.Thierry thought about other things to make himself famous. Perhaps he could be the best accountant in the world! Yes, this was it, he decided. He told a friend that he was the best accountant in the world.‘How do you know?’ asked his friend.‘Well,’ said Thierry, ‘I have a good job, I like it it’s very interesting spreadsheets numbers taxes finance ’ He saw his friend going to sleep.

‘Hmmm,’ he thought. ‘Perhaps I’m not the best or the most interesting accountant in the world.’‘Listen, Thierry,’ said his friend when he woke up again. ‘Perhaps you don’t have the biggest or the most valuable stamp collection in the world. Perhaps you aren’t the best or the most interesting accountant in the world. But there is one thing – Thierry, you are probably the most boring man in the world.’Yes! Thierry could be famous because he was the most boring man in the world. Now he saw that his friends were right.



He phoned the newspaper again.‘Hello!’ he said. ‘Would you like to do an interview with the most boring man in the world?’‘The most boring man in the world?’ said the man from the newspaper. ‘Now that’s interesting!’Next week there was a big article in the newspaper.

‘The Most Boring Man in the World!’ There was a picture of Thierry in his office. There was a picture of Thierry with his stamp collection. There was an interview with Thierry and interviews with his friends. His friends said they went to sleep when Thierry talked about his job or his stamp collection.The next day the BBC and CNN called Thierry. They wanted stories about the most boring man in the world. ‘The most boring man in the world!’ they said. ‘That’s so interesting!’And so, finally, Thierry Boyle became the official Most Boring Man in the World.

You won’t find his name in the Guinness World Records book, because they said that it was impossible to decide exactly how boring somebody is, but it was no problem for Thierry. Now he was famous. Now he was so boring that he was interesting.Chris Rose.

I like the story, maybe it wasn't as interesting as other stories from Chris Rose, but still it was still great. Actually I accept accounting is boring because though I educated in computer science, I work in accounting department of a bank, and I accept that accounting is really boring. I hate spreadsheets, they mostly work with excel which is the most annoying software ever.I thought Thierry never could have any friends, but suprisingly he had some friends, maybe they weren't his friends they were just his colleagues. I never can be friends with such a person for a long time.

or to post commentsparisaach replied on 31 July, 2019 - 05:17 Iran. Hey guy,funny story this story reminds me of the movie in the name of 'crazy stupid love' which was about a man whos wife asks for divorce so there was another guy who found him depress so he tried to make him feel good and change this guy and he said 'you lost your manhood'. The thing is when your job is boring then it will make you boring for people because when you are with your friends more likely you will talk about your day,so you spend your day at your job which is boring and you talk about your job so people will find you unattractive and they will try to get distance from what should a person do?

When people don't like you let them go don't stick with them find some people with your mentality that would be good for last don't think about what people think about you always keep your own opinion serious. or to post commentsAhmed Imam replied on 26 June, 2018 - 18:51 Egypt.

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