Steambot Chronicles Ms Echinacea

Steambot Chronicles Ms Echinacea Average ratng: 5,0/5 811 votes

2009-11-5  Echinacea - In Nefroburg. The next door neighbor to Connie's old house will only appear if the above people are found and talked to. Neoseeker Forums » PS2 Games » Steambot Chronicles. Steambot Chronicles - Side Quests and Extras FAQ. He will direct you to the next door neighbour. Locate Missus Echinacea is Nefro-Nefro Town. The next door neighbor to Connie's old house will.

STEAMBOT CHRONICLESChapter 2 Rehearsal'That's the Killer Elephants!' Basil cried out with alarm, shakily pointing to the massive contraption that was stomping up the river towards them. It looked like a fortress or some kind of ship, but with legs.

Three decks could be seen, with a central platform on each, where several of the similarly dressed bandits ran about, following orders being shout over an intercom.' What is that thing?' Vanilla gasped with awe, unable to tell if he should be scared or fascinated by the technical behemoth.' Whatever it is, it's trouble.' Marjoram said, cupping his chin in concern. The mobile fortress was slowly approaching, and already it could be seen the bandits were setting their sights on the travelers.'

Basil yelled just as a cannon located on the 'nose' of the fortress aimed at the cliff side. Backing away in time, the group shielded their eyes as an explosion ripped off a sizable chunk of the rock, leaving a smoky crevice and sending stones tumbling to the river down below.' Get across the bridge, hurry!' Marjoram shouted with urgency, and immediately headed for a metal bridge that spanned a gap between the mountain and an adjacent hill.

Vanilla and Connie followed quickly behind, but were stopped short as a hail of small bombs pelted them from all sides. Thankfully, they lacked the potency to harm the bridge, but it was obvious the barrage was meant to hold them down for the main cannons.'

Connie shrieked, shielding her head as the small explosions went off one after another, pinning her and Vanilla to the spot. Marjoram and Basil watched with shock as the cannon lined up at Vanilla and Connie, who were still surrounded by a hailstorm of small explosions. Picking up a large stone, Marjoram hurled it towards the cannon, the entire upper half of his trot spinning a full 360 degrees to throw. The rock crashed into the cannons, bending the metal at a sharp angle. And just in time, the orange glow of fire heated the warped metal before the cannons violently exploded, the blocked shot going off inside the barrels. The explosion ripped up the deck of the front most deck, sending the bandits occupying it screaming for their lives to the water below before they were caught in the blast.'

Vanilla, jump on and find if it has a weak spot!' Marjoram called over to the blonde, who was himself just realizing the barrage had ended while Connie slowly peeked her head up as well. Looking down, he could see the destroyed face of the mechanical elephant, black smoke billowing from the damage deck.

And without hesitation, Vanilla took the hint and guided the Earl Grey over the edge with a leap, two hydraulics propelling the legs off the damaged, dented bridge. Landing heavily on the second deck, Vanilla could see the bandits fleeing as his trotmobile cracked the floor beneath it. A large generator hummed from inside the platform occupying the deck.' That's got to be it.' Vanilla thought to himself, then slashed at the platform with the Earl's sword arm, ripping the steel apart like a can opener. The large engine like generator was now exposed and Vanilla reached for it with the other arm, tearing out a mess of wires and parts with a jerk of the hand.

Electricity hissed and crackled and Vanilla backed, shielding his eyes.' You little twerp, what have you done!' A bearded bandit cried with alarm and anger atop the platform. But the only answer he received was the trembling of the construct as its legs buckled and small explosions tore their way across the entire machine.' Hang on, Connie!' Vanilla said, turning toward the edge of the deck and jumping off the platform as the floor was blown apart by another explosion and landing on the hill where Marjoram's trot stood. Bandits fell towards the river as they jumped or slid down emergency ladders while their precious machine, now an almost skeletal shell of its former self crumpled into a heap, kicking up a wave of water that washed the hollering men downstream, their cries and insults drifting away with them.'

Basil cheered, pumping a wiry arm into the air while the smoking heap of metal that was the massive machine lied like a broken body in the river.' Marjoram complimented, giving a thumbs up.' But that was just a lucky break. I'm just thankful you stopped that cannon from hitting us.' Vanilla said, scratching his head bashfully. Connie was beside with glee, thankful that she and her friends had came out unscathed.'

In any case, we should move on. Who knows what those guys might be planning next.' Marjoram said, turning away with a grin.' The others said in agreement, and Vanilla and Connie followed behind as the group headed towards the river bank and walked along the trail that ran along it. A small wooden bridge closed the small space from the end of the trail to another hill beyond it that lead up towards a waterfall. The sky was slowly turning orange, the noon sun already slinking out of sight. Crossing another bridge that overlooked the waterfall, a dam built to harness the waters flow, Vanilla spotted a large stone structure ahead, it looked like the walls to a kingdom.

But before he could ask anything a voice called out to the group.' You guys are late!' A bossy sounding voice said, and a man wearing dark shades piloting a Blue Trotmobile trekked over. He wore a blue shirt and had his hair slicked back and spiked with gel, giving him a tough appearance.'

You're late too, aren't you, Fennel?' Basil asked with a grin, which widened when the man ticked, his sunglasses sliding down his face slightly.' Fennel replied with a defeated tone. 'Enough chit chat, we have to set up for rehearsal, Savory's already waiting at the square.' The man said, turning towards a wooden gate a few feet behind him.

Marjoram and Basil nodded and followed, the gate creaking as it opened up to reveal a paved road beyond.' You guys go ahead, I'll be there shortly.' Connie said, waving towards her friends, who uttered a 'make it quick' before the gate closed on them.' What's all this about rehearsal? Are you guy in a band or something?' Vanilla asked, having realized he had yet to address all this talk of instruments and 'practice'.'

Lunar: Dragon Song Walkthrough and GuideWelcome to the where our team of contributors will help you work through the game via a step-by-step tutorial. Lunar: Dragon Song OverviewLunar: Dragon Song is a role-playing game developed by and released on. Lunar: dragon song cards. A Gamewise walkthrough aims to take you all the way through the game to 100% completion including unlockable quests and items.If you are stuck on something specific and are unable to find any answers in our Lunar: Dragon Song Walkthrough then be sure to ask the for help and advice in the discussion box below and they will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer!Finally, if you have been playing Lunar: Dragon Song and wish to help other users, feel free to sign up and start contributing!

Yea, we're in a group called the Garland Globetrotters. Sorry, I guess it slipped my mind to mention that, Connie said with a laugh. She started softly after a moment, ' I wanted to thank you for helping me out today. I know it's been a rough day, losing your memory, and then getting stuck helping the person who saved you.' Connie said, staring off towards the sky.'

It's no problem, I had fun.' Vanilla said, which made Connie laugh at his innocent remark.' By the way, do you remember what you said back at the beach, about a blue thing firing a missile?' She asked, now looking a little hesitant. Vanilla then immediately recalled the image and nodded.' Do you think it might have been a trotmobile?' She almost whispered, as if suspicious of her surroundings.'

Yea, it could have.' Vanilla replied, perplexed by the girl's sudden silence.' Actually, forget I said anything. Let's head to town, there's someone I want you to meet. If that's alright with you.' Connie said, rubbing her shoulder like someone who had just asked someone out on a date.' Sure, as long there's something to eat, I'm starving!'

Vanilla said, a low grumble from his stomach punctuating his statement. Connie giggled, switching back to her more bubbly self.' Of course, we have plenty of food!' She said, then began to hum a song as she and Vanilla waited for the gate to open.' Welcome to Nefroburg!' Connie said with a simple gesture as they entered the town, the chime of a bell signaling the start of the evening hours. Vanilla was slack jawed as he took in the sights of the tall houses and streets filled with cars and trotmobiles.'

It's like a kingdom!' Vanilla beamed in awe, marveling at the high walls that surrounded the large town.' Actually this town was founded on the remains of an old castle. And was even named after the king who ruled it. Of course, that was a long time ago.

Anyway, head for the bakery, it's on the first left on the road ahead.' Connie said, pointing towards an intersection just a little ways of where she and Vanilla stood. All around, Vanilla marveled at the town's size, and the sounds of people going about their daily routines. A man could be seen walking along the sidewalk, carrying two long poles, lighting the street lamps that lined the roads.' There, park here.' Connie pointed to a nearly lot where an orange cone sat inside chalk line box, a modest looking store sitting opposite of it. A sign read; 'Nefro Bakery' with a catchy slogan and a picture of a basket with breads and other goods.

Disembarking from the Earl, the two stood in a wide open alley that spanned between the buildings on the near the roads. An open garage door could be seen, as well as a tall, lanky tree in the center of the street.'

This place is huge!' Vanilla quipped, looking around at the town, a little further on the road they had been on, he could see a large pillar in the middle of what appeared to be a park of some sorts.'

Wait till you see Happy Garland, that place is even huger!' Connie said with a laugh, then tugged gently on Vanilla's hand, who followed her. 'This way, I'll show you my house.' The two walked along the paved ground, where a line of buildings formed an 'L' shape while a single, long building sat across from it, a bridge overlooking a canal could be seen and another line of buildings further on.' This is my place, we're on the second floor on the left!' Connie said, gesturing to the smaller building from the L shaped one. Heading up the steps, Connie opened a door at the top landing to her left and lead Vanilla into a modest looking apartment.

A small table sat near the window that overlooked the rooftops of the adjacent buildings, while two beds sat near the opposite window. A pale looking woman in her late thirties sat upright in the bed closest to the door, a large book in her hands.' Oh, Connie, it's you!' The woman said, her long auburn hair draped over her shoulders, and she wore what appeared to be a white gown. Her soft brown eyes were much like Connie's, soft and gentle.' I just got back from the beach, and you won't believe who I met there.'

Connie gave the woman a hug and then gestured to Vanilla, who waved, 'This is Vanilla. Vanilla, this is my mom, Rosemary.' 'Pleased to meet you, young man.' The woman said with a kind smile, which shone despite her light complexion.'

I found him on the shores unconscious, it seems like he lost his memory.' Connie said, which made Rosemary cup her mouth in shock.' Oh my, I do hope you're not too injured.' Rosemary said, coughing slightly as she looked upset by this sudden fact.'

I'm alright, thank you. I'm just glad Connie was there to find me when she did.' Vanilla said with a laugh, hoping it would lighten the atmosphere. It was obvious that Rosemary was bedridden for a reason, and it upset Vanilla to see her getting worked up at his expense. Just then a knock came at the door and it opened.'

I'm coming in!' A cheerful voice said, and a woman, maybe a few years older than Rosemary appeared. Her bushy, curly brown hair was held back by a handkerchief and she wore an apron over a pink dress. But the thing that struck Vanilla as odd was the black frying pan clutched firmly in her left hand.' Echinacea, it's nice to see you.'

Connie said, waving to the woman.' Ah, Connie, I thought I heard you. It's great to see you darling.'

The woman said, her voice carrying a slight nasally accent. She then turned to face Vanilla, looking him up and down.' And whose this strapping young man you got with you? Did you finally get a boyfrie-' Ms. Echinacea was about to say when Connie puffed her cheeks and clasped her fists together, shouting a firm 'No!' 'Hehehehe, ok, I see. It's not like that.'

The woman said with a laugh, which left Vanilla looking perplexed, Connie beet red, and Rosemary stifling a giggle while no one looked. Calming down, Connie then pointed to Vanilla.' This is Vanilla, I found him on Seagull Beach, he's lost his memory.' She said, which made Echinacea gasp, the frying pan pressing to her face as she tilted her head in surprise.' Oh dear, sounds like amnesia.

You should make a call to Doctor Nutmeg, he might be able to help.' Ms Echinacea said.' That's a good idea.' Connie said thoughtfully.'

Anyway, isn't it almost time for your concert tonight, dear?' The woman asked, looking at the nearby clock on the wall. Connie looked and nearly jumped out of her skin as she saw the time.' Sorry, Vanilla I have to run. But why don't you head over to the square in an hour so you can see the show.' Connie said, heading for the door as fast as she could, Vanilla nodded, and waved as Connie disappeared behind the door.'

I can tell you're hungry, why don't I get you something to eat.' Echinacea said with a smile.' Oh but I couldn't.' Vanilla said, not sure what to make of the hospitable offer.' Don't be spoilsport, deary. It's my treat, besides, a friend of Connie's is a friend of mine!' The woman said, exiting through the door with a laugh, and leaving Vanilla alone with Rosemary.'

I'm sure you must be tired. If you need a place to stay, there's an inn at the other end of the walk here that has room open. But for now you're welcome to stay here.'

Rosemary said, her kind smile showing through once again.' Vanilla said, looking quite humbled by the generosity he was receiving.' It's ok, besides. There was something I was hoping to ask you. You see, Connie doesn't have many friends, ever since Dandelion moved away, she's always been kind of distant from everyone, as if she's afraid of disappointing them. If it's alright with, I hope you can Connie can be good friends.'

Rosemary said, looking out the window next to her bed, Vanilla watching silently. He didn't know what to say, but even without being asked he already felt a strong desire to be by Connie's side. He owed it to her for all she had done for him.' Here ya go, sweetie.'

Echinacea said as she returned, carrying a plate with a sandwich. Vanilla was practically drooling at the welcome sight of food, and happily thanked the older woman as she handed him the plate. A few minutes later, Vanilla felt quite sated to say the least, and thanked Ms Echinacea once again.' Think nothing of it, dear. You need all the energy you can get, especially all the trouble you must have been through today.' The woman said with a smile.'

Vanilla said, rubbing the back of his head, bashful as always. He then saw that he had half an hour before Connie's concert.' I'm looking for a hotel run by a guy named Jacques, I was asked by that guy Kain at the mill to deliver some carpets.' Vanilla said, remembering his task.' Oh, then you're looking for the Siberian Musk hotel, it's near the town square, you can't miss it.' Rosemary said.

Nodding quickly, Vanilla hastily thanked the two women and headed out the door, taking notice of the dark night sky that had quietly overtaken the town. Heading back to the Earl, Vanilla could see bright lights now lighting up the square, and could see people walking in droves towards it.

Heading down the street, he saw a large sign that read 'Siberian Musk' and a spot to park. Dismounting, Vanilla headed inside, where a lavish atmosphere greeted him.A thick, expensive looking carpet covered the floor, and the staff were neatly dressed in a green uniforms, two standing by each of the doors into the hotel. A man stood behind a counter, signing papers and occasionally looking up to check for guests.

Figuring it was the man he was seeking, Vanilla leaned over the counter and whispered.' Are you Jacques?' The man looked up from some papers and eyed Vanilla curiously, obviously wondering why he was being disturbed. His glasses gleamed in the light as he looked over the blonde.' Yes, and you are.' Kain sent me, said he had a shipment.' Vanilla started, but was quickly cut off by the man.'

Ah yes, the delivery. It's about time, I'll have someone go and unload your trotmobile in a moment.' The man said, waving over a bellhop, whispering something into his ear. Nodding, the bellhop headed outside while Jacques pulled out a slip of paper and scribbled on it.'

Here's the receipt. It'll take a few minutes to unload your Trotmobile, so if you don't mind waiting, why not go and see the concert across the way.' Jacques motioned, making it more of an order than a suggestion. Shrugging, Vanilla left the hotel and instantly head the collective cheers of people as they crowded the lit up square. Getting closer, Vanilla could see Connie, Marjoram, Fennel, and Basil standing on a platform made up of four Trotmobiles, which were folded down with the fin like shields he had seen on Marjoram's trot folded out like a stage. A woman in a purple dressed with blond hair shaped like the wings of a crane was with them, who must have been the Savory that Marjoram had mentioned.

Two microphones could be seen, one in front of the Connie and the woman. Basil was holding a bass string, while Marjoram maned a set of drums, and Fennel held a guitar firmly in his hands.' A girl could be heard squealing amid a gaggle of other shrieking woman.'

A man called out from somewhere in the thicker part of the crowd, along with cheers and whistles. Vanilla felt quite out of place among the massive fandom he was standing amidst of.

In the 1987 book Def Leppard: Animal Instinct, it is explained: “Rock Of Ages” was a song without a chorus until one day, during recording, Joe (Elliot) spotted an open hymn book laying on a. Rock of ages def leppard.

Finally as the crowd calmed down, Connie spoke up.' Thank you, everyone! I'm glad you all came!' Her voice boomed over the mic, speakers set up next to the stage of trotmobiles carrying her voice clearly across the square. The deafening sound of clapping echoed as the crowd cheered again, and the sound of music slowly standing up, a gentle guitar rift starting it off before the bass lead the rest of the melody.'

I hope you enjoy it, In Your Voice.'