Sengoku Era

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AUTHOR: Rosebay (Kyouchikutou) 夾竹桃 Synopsis: One fateful day, a girl time slipped into the Sengoku Era. It was an abrupt enough event to be dubbed god’s whim, done to sate hellish boredom. The girl has no power to change the world. She was a very ordinary, common, and plain girl that can be found anywhere.

'It's time for: Who's Going to Be the Next Shogun? Usually it's the Shogun's kid, but the Shogun doesn't have a kid. So he tries to get his brother to quit being a monk and be the next shogun. He says okay. But then the Shogun has a kid. So now who's it gonna be?

Vote now on your phones! And everyone voted so hard that the palace caught on fire and burned down (the shogun actually didn't care, he was off somewhere doing poetry).And the whole country broke into pieces. Everyone is fighting with each other for local power, and it's anybody's game.'

The Sengoku Period (戦国時代, Sengoku Jidai), or the 'Warring States Period' (no, ) was a period stretching from the mid-fifteenth to the late sixteenth centuries. It is remembered as a time of bloody civil wars and political intrigue which paved the way for the rise of the modern nation of Japan. The last several decades in particular (known as the Azuchi-Momoyama Period) are regarded by many as some of the most crucial in Japanese history.It is important to note that the Sengoku Period is usually not classified as a period of Japanese history in the same way that the Meiji or Nara Periods are.

It is regarded foremost as a cultural period, a time of transition from Japan's medieval to the early modern age. Because it straddles several periods, the Period itself is generally placed within the context of the 'official' historical periods it takes place in (Muromachi, Azuchi-Momoyama, and Edo). Dates for the exact start and end of the period are also debated: although it is traditionally marked by the Ōnin War in 1467, some mark the period's beginning in 1490 when the actual power of the Ashikaga was transferred from the shogun to Hosokawa Katsumoto (the shogunal deputy), and others mark it in 1491, when the Hōjō clan began to rise to power in the Kanto region.

The end of the period is even more debated, with dates ranging from 1568 ('s capture of Kyoto and deposition of the Ashikaga) to 1615 (the Siege of Osaka). Nakanu nara, naku made matou, hototogisu. (If the cuckoo does not sing, wait for it - Ieyasu.)Another popular saying of the three goes: 'Nobunaga pounds the national rice cake, Hideyoshi kneads it, and in the end Ieyasu sits down and eats it.' For more information about works which deal specifically with these three figures, check out.Of course, there are many other interesting historical figures besides these three which are worth reading up on, such as, and Saigō-no-Tsubone (Lady Saigō).Below follows a more detailed breakdown of the Sengoku Period from start to finish. In 1338, Ashikaga Takauji seized control of from the emperor of Japan and declared himself the shogun (a position comparable to a generalissimo, effectively a military ruler). This establishment of the Ashikaga shogunate marks the beginning of the Muromachi period of Japanese history,. though some contest it should begin in 1333 with the ill-fated Kemmu Restoration, so named because the new Ashikaga government was established in the Muromachi district of Kyoto.The early Muromachi Period's strongest political figure was by far Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), the third shogun in line.

Yoshimitsu established trade relations with China, ended the warring between the rival Northern and Southern Imperial Courts, was a great patron of the arts, and gave the feudal landlords - the daimyō - greater control over their lands. Unfortunately, Yoshimitsu's successors gradually became weaker and weaker, further decentralizing the government's power and placing more power in the hands of the daimyō.All of this gave pretext to the Sengoku Period, which is traditionally marked as beginning with the Ōnin War (1467-1477). The Ōnin War began as a relatively local conflict over the succession of the Ashikaga shogunate which escalated into a decade-long war between rivaling warlords vying to control the shogunate. In the end, Kyoto was left practically burned to the ground and the Ashikaga shogunate held power in name only. For many years after, rivaling daimyō would fight for control of the puppet government - although by this point, controlling the court meant very little anyway, as virtually all actual power had been fractured among the many daimyō across Japan.After several decades of a relative status quo of infighting, the Sengoku Period came to a head with the rise of three key figures who are some of the most important in Japanese history: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Since the bulk of this era's action can in some way be traced back to one of the three, most accounts of the Sengoku Period devote a lot of their time to studying these three figures.

We'll focus here specifically on how each of these three men played a role in the period at large. For more personal information on each of the three as individuals, check. The first of Japan's three uniters, Oda Nobunaga, was born in 1534 in the Owari province (modern-day Aichi prefecture), possibly near the city of Nagoya. He was known in his youth for being strange and uncouth, though after the unexpected death of his father in 1551, he quickly proved his military chutzpah by killing his uncle and his brother, who challenged his right of succession. Nobunaga quickly reunited the Oda clan, and by 1559 - at the age of 25 - he had united the whole Owari province under his rule. Nobunaga quickly consolidated and expanded his power over the following decade. In the Battle of Okehazama, Nobunaga defeated the combined forces of the Imagawa and Matsudaira clans, which numbered about 40,000, with a force of only 3,000 by launching a surprise attack and using the poor weather conditions to his advantage.

Breaking ties with the weakened Imagawa clan, the Matsudaira clan forged an alliance with the Oda, ending decades of hostility. Who was responsible for this alliance? Matsudaira Motoyasu, better known by his name later in life, Tokugawa Ieyasu. Several years afterward, Nobunaga further increased his power in the Siege of Inabayama Castle, where he took over the neighboring Mino province (modern-day Gifu), greatly extending the Oda clan's reach. At the conclusion of the battle, Nobunaga revealed his ambition for the first time: to conquer all of Japan.With central Japan firmly under his control, Nobunaga took advantage of his strategically favorable position and set his sights on the capital city of Kyoto. In 1568, he marched on the capital and crushed all opposition. Nobunaga, of course, had no intention of serving the Muromachi shogunate and devoted his work instead to consolidating his territory in central Japan.

He spent the next 5 years beating back the opposing daimyō who challenged his rule and had formed into an anti-Oda alliance. The deadliest of these opponents was the legendary general Takeda Shingen, who was said to have the most powerful army in Japan. Marching his army toward Nobunaga's home province of Owari, he easily stomped over Oda's allies and was practically at the front step of Owari when in 1573 he suddenly died of mysterious circumstances (theories range from assassination to stomach cancer). Takeda's forces lost their nerve and quickly retreated to the Kai province, thus saving Nobunaga from near-certain destruction. Though considered an 'interlude', it was an expensive endeavour, consisting of the largest military mobilization in pre-modern Japanese history, and its first major naval buildup. This concentrated effort would not be repeated again until the first Sino-Japanese War.Having united Japan and reorganized his infrastructure, Hideyoshi began turning his gaze across the sea and megalomaniacally boasted, and move the capital from Kyoto to Beijing.

Though it was speculated that his ulterior motive was to exhaust the excessive military buildup resulting from continuous warfare that only recently concluded, which was taking a toll on the economy. Thus in 1590, Hideyoshi officially requested safe passage to China through Korea. However, Korea refused Hideyoshi's demands, and so from 1592 to 1598 Japan engaged in a sporadic series of invasions of Korea (known there as the Imjin War). Hideyoshi had a strong start - in 1592, he sent 200,000 men to capture Seoul, which they did in a matter of weeks. Kato Kiyomasa even managed to cross the Yalu into Manchuria, but was quickly routed by his Jurchen oppossion.

Realizing the Japanese army was ill-suited to engage in open-field warfare, Kato Kiyomasa retreated back to Korea, thus marking Manchuria the furthest destination ever reached by the Japanese army during the Imjin War. News of Korea's debacle soon reached the Ming court, and in the following year, the Chinese army poured into Korea. The Chinese and its Korean allies soon recovered Pyongyang, and followed up with a march directly to Hanseong (modern day Seoul). After recovering Hanseong, the allied armies forced the Japanese to pull back, but the latter remained steadfast in their defenses, and attempted to force a stalemate. The war then entered into a period of truce when both Chinese and Japanese delegations, excluding the Koreans, negotiated peace-terms.

Unfortunately, Hideyoshi's subordinate, Konishi Yukinaga and Chinese negotiator Shen Weijing conspired to meddle in the diplomatic process by forging correspondences. The result angered both sides, and another war soon became inevitable. A second invasion was then attempted in 1597. In both instances, Japan made decent territorial gains on land, and the Korean forces overall had great difficulty defeating the Japanese head-on. However, the Koreans were skilled in guerrilla warfare, and they used it to great effect: folks ranging from common citizens to aristocrats to warrior monks were arranged into guerrilla militias known as 'righteous armies' which engaged in raids and surprise attacks on the Japanese.

The Koreans were also effective at cutting off Japan's supply lines; special mention goes to Korean naval general Yi Sun-sin, who beat back the Japanese navy on multiple occasions despite being outnumbered, sometimes vastly so (the most famous of these instances being the Battle of Myeongyang). As the war dragged on, Chinese reinforcements continued flowing into Korea, and the Japanese were gradually beaten back. The Japanese made a final stand at the Battle of Sacheon in 1598. Japanese forces clashed with Ming Chinese and Joseon Korean forces until all parties had been beaten to exhaustion. Japanese forces managed to hold its position for a while, but realized it was only time before the entire army would be surrounded, trapped and eventually destroyed. The Japanese forces then proceeded to conduct an orderly retreat, and in 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi passed away, thus ending the Korean campaign. Korea was abandoned, but with the death of Hideyoshi, Japan now had a much bigger problem on its plate: who would succeed Hideyoshi?

Hideyoshi had attempted to rectify this problem himself after the birth of his son Hideyori by banishing his nephew (and heir) Hidetsugu to Mt. Kōya and ordering him to commit seppuku in 1595. He then, including. Afterward, he assembled a Council of Five Elders to govern Japan as regents for his son, hoping that the balance of power between his five most powerful daimyō would prevent any conflict until his son came of age.The presence of Hideyoshi and his brother Hidenaga had managed to keep fighting to a minimum so far, but the death of Maeda Toshiie (the oldest and most respected of the five regent generals), and only a year after the death of Hideyoshi himself, led to infighting among the remaining four. Of these generals, Tokugawa Ieyasu was the most powerful and influential. He had fought both Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi in battle before they rose to power - and when they did, he became one of their most powerful generals and trusted allies.

So the other generals' lack of trust in Ieyasu was perhaps understandable (his capture of Hideyori's home of Osaka castle after Hideyoshi's death probably didn't do much for him either), but on the other hand, apparently he was given privilege by Hideyoshi to not deploy his own troops even when Hideyoshi was deploying his, and during the Korean Invasion, Ieyasu just stayed in Japan. Since the campaign ended disastrously and left a bitter taste to the Toyotomi clan overall, Ieyasu received favor for not sending his men to unnecessary death. Unfortunately, this mistrust continued to escalate, with general Ishida Mitsunari (who was not one of Hideyoshi's five regent generals) accusing Tokugawa of being unfaithful to Hideyoshi's wishes. Mitsunari planned an attempt on Tokugawa's life, but when Ieyasu's generals learned of this and informed Tokugawa, Tokugawa himself protected Ishida from accusation. His reason for doing so was most likely either to have a more opportune scapegoat for the assassination, or because he recognized the impending conflict and would rather fight a force led by Ishida than one led by a more competent or credible opponent (e.g.

One of the other three regents). Tokugawa put the blame on the Toyotomi loyalists, including the deceased Maeda's son, Toshinaga. In defiance, one of the three regents, Uesugi Kagekatsu, began amassing his military. Ieyasu demanded an explanation before the Emperor, and Uesugi's chief adviser countered with accusations and mockery of Tokugawa's own defiance of Hideyoshi's rules. Furious, Ieyasu amassed his supporters and began marching north on the Uesugi clan. Ishida, seeing an opportunity, amassed Toyotomi's own allies and prepared an offensive on Tokugawa and his supporters. Upon returning to his home base in Edo, Tokugawa learned of the situation and decided to deploy his troops.

Thus began the most important battle in Japanese history: the Battle of Sekigahara. The two sides were split into the Toyotomi loyalists (headed under Ishida and known as the 'Western Army') and Tokugawa's supporters (headed under Ieyasu himself and known as the 'Eastern Army'). The two armies numbered close to 200,000 men in total, with the Western Army numbering 120,000 and the Eastern Army numbering 75,000. though by the time the fighting began, both forces were between 80,000-90,000 troops due to the arrival of reinforcements as well as some forces simultaneously being caught up elsewhere.Ishida marched his troops from Osaka toward Gifu Castle, intending to use it as a staging area for when he would inevitably attack Kyoto. Since Tokugawa was marching from Edo in the east, there were only two main roads available to him, both of which also converged on Gifu Castle. Unfortunately for Ishida, he was delayed in reaching Gifu, as he was busy trying to capture Fushimi Castle, which was a halfway point between Osaka and Kyoto. By the time Ishida captured Fushimi and reached Gifu, Tokugawa's forces had arrived and taken the castle, forcing Ishida's troops to retreat.

The Western Army marched southwest through inclement weather and stopped in Sekigahara, tired from the day's journey and with gunpowder wet from the rain.Tokugawa had been trailing Ishida up to this point. On October 20th, he learned of the Western Army's position in Sekigahara and marched his forces in. Though Tokugawa had the advantage of marching under better weather, it was very foggy, and at dawn on the next day (October 21st) his advance guard ended up smacking into Ishida's army.

Both sides panicked and withdrew,. By 8 AM, the fog had cleared. Both sides issued last-second orders and the battle began.Fukushima Masanori, the leader of Tokugawa's advance guard, charged from the left flank along the Fuji river into the Western Army's right-center. The ground was wet and muddy from the previous day's rain, so the fighting quickly devolved into chaos. To support the attack, Tokugawa then ordered attacks from his right and center on the enemy's left. In response, Ishida ordered his general of the unscathed center flank to support the right, but his general refused, as daimyō only obeyed the orders of respected commanders, which Ishida was not.The Eastern Army's advance guard was gaining ground and pushing into the enemy's position, but this left them exposed from the side, and just across the Fuji river were under the command of Otani Yoshitsugu. Otani was supported from the rear by Kobayakawa Hideaki, who was positioned on Mount Matsuo.In the months leading up to the battle, Tokugawa approached multiple daimyō from the Western Army and promised them land and pardon after the battle if they should switch sides.

Kobayakawa was one of the daimyō Tokugawa approached, and he agreed to defect. Unfortunately, he did not keep to his word during the battle and instead remained neutral, not attacking either side. As the fighting dragged on, Ieyasu grew impatient and ordered musket fire on Kobayakawa as an ultimatum.

Kobayakawa made his choice. He ordered his 16,000 men to charge Otani's army, which you'd think would do a lot of good. Except that Otani had a lot of men with a lot of dry gunpowder. His men simply turned their guns around and shot most of Kobayakawa's force dead.Fortunately, the attack was not completely in vain. Otani was already engaged with several other Eastern armies, and Kobayakawa's army ended up being enough to overwhelm Otani's defenses.

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Seeing this, several more Western generals mid-battle. to be specific: Wakisaka Yasuharu, Ogawa Suketada, Akaza Naoyasu, and Kutsuki Mototsuna, thus turning the tide in the Eastern Army's favor. Fukushima and Kobayakawa began to press deep into the Western Army's exposed right flank toward the center. Ishida sounded the retreat and retracted what was left of his army to Mount Nangu, where he was betrayed again by one of his generals. The Western Army fell apart, and the Battle of Sekigahara was won.The Battle of Sekigahara was the culmination of the political turmoil of the Sengoku Period - both on a literal and metaphorical level. It's easy to draw parallels between the decades of warlords backstabbing and changing sides on one another and the events of Sekigahara, where so many forces changed sides - even in the middle of battle - that some had no idea who they were fighting for or against. Amusingly, both sides also had forces which didn't participate in the battle because they arrived too late.

If each side had been backed by their full host, who knows how the battle would have turned out?Tokugawa rounded up the fleeing generals and publicly executed Ishida Mitsunari (among others). The Toyotomi loyalists greatly lost their support and prestige and scattered. Immediately after the battle, Tokugawa redistributed all of the country's land, giving more important and wealthier territories to the daimyō he deemed more loyal to him. Some daimyō, including some from the Western Army, had their territory untouched; others had virtually all their land taken away. Out of the many families/clans coming out of this battle, three would be noteworthy:. The Mori, widely agreed to be one of the biggest losers (having nominally led the Western Army apart from Ishida) had most of their Sengoku-era holdings seized.

They would settle in Choshu, nursing grudges and plans of rebellion against the Tokugawa for centuries;. The Shimazu of Satsuma, whose distance from the mainland gave them the opportunity to foster cultural, economic and social independence from Tokugawa control; and. Descendants and retainers of the Chosokabe of Tosa, who would be displaced by the Tokugawa-loyalist Yamauchi clan and treated as second-class citizens., and other samurai from Choshu, Satsuma and Tosa would be largely responsible for the. In 1603, at the age of 60, Tokugawa Ieyasu was appointed shogun by the Emperor, becoming the first shogun since the deposition of the Ashikaga in 1573. He had outlived all of the other great men of his time, and could finally rule a united Japan, unchallenged. The beginning of the Tokugawa shogunate marks the beginning of the Edo Period of Japanese history, named after the city of Edo, which Tokugawa made the new capital - you know it today as Tokyo. Most historians mark the end of the Sengoku Period here, but just for completion's sake.Tokugawa Ieyasu abdicated in 1605, retiring soon after ascending to the shogunate, according to custom.

He passed the rule down to his son (which also had the effect of securing a peaceful succession). Tokugawa just had one more matter to settle. He rounded up his troops one last time and marched on Osaka Castle in 1614. Osaka Castle was the home of Toyotomi Hideyori, Hideyoshi's rightful heir.

Tokugawa laid siege to the castle until it burned to the ground in 1615, taking the last of the Toyotomi bloodline with it and thereby ending the last possible opposition to his rule, though notably, Tokugawa came into near death when a certain general under Hideyori, made towards his camp and stepped a bit too close to deal the finishing blow to Tokugawa. Luckily for Tokugawa, Sanada's endurance reached his peak that after he declared that he's too tired to fight anymore and then either collapsed out of fatigue and died from his wounds, or Tokugawa's bodyguards came to the rescue and struck him down. Regardless of that, Tokugawa praised Sanada's burning warrior spirit and dubbed him Japan's #1 soldier.Tokugawa himself died the next year (either of cancer or syphilis), leaving behind the beginnings of Japan's third, final, longest-ruling, and most powerful shogunate.Some important historical names include:.

(Lady Saigō).Works set in this time period include.: The original manga and anime have many, but removes them and turns the story into a serious historical. (though the main protagonist is from modern Japan). is about a boy from the modern world who is sent to the past. He becomes Nobunaga, while the real Nobunaga becomes Akechi Mitsuhide.: The Inner Chambers: while most of it is set in the, it does briefly flash back to the tail end of this period during the Reverend Kasuga's early life which shaped her future role as the instigator of the that kicks off the manga. The Summer arc of. One of the that came bundled with III's second expansion pack, Conquests, is called 'Sengoku: Sword of the Shogun,' and is more or less: A Daimyo Is You. Unite Japan and become Shogun.

Demon Chaos. IV covers this era in its time frame with a special shogunate mechanism. Any daimyo who manages to capture Kyoto will reign as the shogun, those who are successful enough can unify Japan. A popular for III features a series of scripted events designed to simulate the politics of Japan in this era. is only specified as being in the late Muromachi Period, but that overlaps with the Sengoku Period.: The Second Coming is set in a fantastic world, but its 'Sengoku 30' DLC scenario is, as the name would suggest, based on this era.

'Sengoku' and 'Sengoku era' redirect here. For other uses, see.The Sengoku period ( 戦国時代, Sengoku Jidai, 'Age of Warring States') is a period in of near-constant, social upheaval, and political intrigue from 1467 to 1615.The Sengoku period was initiated by the in 1467 which collapsed the system of Japan under the. Various warlords and fought for control over Japan in the, while the emerged to fight against samurai rule. The in 1543 introduced the into Japanese warfare, and Japan ended its status as a in 1549.

Dissolved the Ashikaga Shogunate in 1573 and launched a war of political unification by force, including the, until his death in the in 1582. Nobunaga's successor completed his campaign to unify Japan and consolidated his rule with numerous influential reforms. Hideyoshi launched the in 1592, but their eventual failure damaged his prestige before his death in 1598. Displaced Hideyoshi's young son and successor at the in 1600 and re-established the feudal system under the.

The Sengoku period ended when Toyotomi loyalists were defeated at the in 1615.The Sengoku period was named by Japanese historians after the otherwise unrelated of China. Modern Japan recognizes Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu as the three 'Great Unifiers' for their restoration of in the country. SummaryDuring this period, although the was officially the ruler of his nation and every lord swore loyalty to him, he was largely a marginalized, ceremonial, and religious figure who delegated power to the, a noble who was roughly equivalent to a. In the years preceding this era, the shogunate gradually lost influence and control over the (local lords).

Although the had retained the structure of the and instituted a warrior government based on the same social economic rights and obligations established by the with the in 1232it failed to win the loyalty of many daimyō, especially those whose domains were far from the capital,. Many of these lords began to fight uncontrollably with each other for control over land and influence over the shogunate.

As trade with grew, the economy developed, and the use of money became widespread as markets and commercial cities appeared. Combined with developments in agriculture and small-scale trading, this led to the desire for greater local autonomy throughout all levels of the social hierarchy. As early as the beginning of the 15th century, the suffering caused by and often served to trigger armed uprisings by farmers weary of debt and taxes.The (1467–1477), a conflict rooted in economic distress and brought on by a dispute over shogunal succession, is generally regarded as the onset of the Sengoku period. The 'eastern' army of the family and its allies clashed with the 'western' army of the. Fighting in and around Kyoto lasted for nearly 11 years, leaving the city almost completely destroyed. The conflict in Kyoto then spread to outlying provinces.The period culminated with a series of three warlords, and, who gradually unified Japan.

After Tokugawa Ieyasu's final victory at the in 1615, Japan settled down into over two-hundred years of peace under the. TimelineThe in 1467 is usually considered the starting point of the Sengoku period. There are several events which could be considered the end of it: Nobunaga's entry to (1568) or abolition of the (1573), the, the (1600), the establishment of the (1603), or the (1615).

Japan in 1570The upheaval resulted in the further weakening of central authority, and throughout Japan, regional lords, called, rose to fill the vacuum. In the course of this power shift, well-established such as the and the, who had ruled under the authority of both the Kamakura and Muromachi bakufu, were able to expand their spheres of influence. There were many, however, whose positions eroded and were eventually usurped by more capable underlings. This phenomenon of social meritocracy, in which capable subordinates rejected the status quo and forcefully overthrew an emancipated aristocracy, became known as ( 下克上), which means 'low conquers high'.One of the earliest instances of this was, who rose from relatively humble origins and eventually seized power in in 1493. Building on the accomplishments of Sōun, the remained a major power in the until its subjugation by late in the Sengoku period.

Other notable examples include the supplanting of the by the, the by the, and the by the, which was in turn replaced by its underling, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a son of a peasant with no family name.Well-organized religious groups also gained political power at this time by uniting farmers in resistance and rebellion against the rule of the daimyōs. The monks of the sect formed numerous, the most successful of which, in, remained independent for nearly 100 years. Main article:After nearly a century of political instability and warfare, Japan was on the verge of unification by, who had emerged from obscurity in the province of (present-day ) to dominate central Japan. In 1582, Oda was assassinated by one of his generals, and allowed the opportunity to establish himself as Oda's successor after rising through the ranks from (footsoldier) to become one of Oda's most trusted generals. Toyotomi eventually consolidated his control over the remaining daimyōs but ruled as (Imperial Regent) as his common birth excluded him from the title of. During his short reign as Kampaku, Toyotomi.

The first attempt, spanning from 1592 to 1596, was initially successful but suffered setbacks from the and ended in a stalemate. The second attempt began in 1597 but was less successful as the Koreans, especially their navy, led by Admiral, were prepared from their first encounter.

In 1598, Toyotomi called for retreat from Korea prior to his death.Without leaving a capable successor, the country was once again thrust into political turmoil, and took advantage of the opportunity.On his deathbed, Toyotomi appointed a group of the most powerful lords in Japan—Tokugawa, and —to govern as the until his infant son, came of age. An uneasy peace lasted until the death of Maeda in 1599. Thereafter a number of high-ranking figures, notably, accused Tokugawa of disloyalty to the Toyotomi regime.This precipitated a crisis that led to the in 1600, during which Tokugawa and his allies, who controlled the east of the country, defeated the anti-Tokugawa forces, which had control of the west. Generally regarded as the last major conflict of the Sengoku period, Tokugawa's victory at Sekigahara effectively marked the end of the Toyotomi regime, the last remnants of which were finally destroyed in the in 1615.

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