Mystik Belle Ending

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WayForward has teamed up with Last Dimension to bring its magical misadventure Mystik Belle to consoles!Originally created for Steam, the 2017 version delivers silky smooth frame rates, updated trophies and achievements, and a revised storyline. Mystik Belle has 14 trophies that can be earned. View all the trophies here.

Catalog NumberN/A
Release DateMay 22, 2015
Publish FormatCommercial
Release PriceName Your Price
Media FormatDigital
ClassificationOriginal Soundtrack
Published byMyoosic (distributed by Bandcamp)
Composed byDan Rogers
Arranged by

Disc 1
01Belle's Overture (Intro Trailer)3:15
02What a Horrible Night to be a Witch (Title)1:27
03Dubious Castle Safety Gigue (Castle)2:11
04When the Night Comes to Play (Dungeon)2:13
05Fighting off the Madness (Forest)2:32
06Laser Sharks of the Belle Aquatic (Underwater)2:17
07Dance for a Hallowed Duel (Battle)1:15
08The Witch's Fists of Science (Final Battle)2:28
09Fantastical Mischief (Opening)1:12
10A Quiet Village, Mostly (Lur)1:19
11Awaited Fates (The Trial)1:59
12A Willow in the Brew (Willow's Study)0:53
13The Other Side of Him (Sinclair)1:31
14Electric Shuffle (Franky's Laboratory)1:24
15A Friendly Face (Nicky)1:39
16Devastation (Romana)0:47
17Elation (Romana)0:36
18Living Words (Library)1:06
19Chaos Beckons0:40
20Magical Science Victory Jam (Ending/Credits)2:42
21Game Over0:08
Disc length33:34


I have recently been looking for post-facelift Mystik Belle's gameplay videos for a presentation. Lo and behold, I stumbled upon 2 hour long video of my game being played entirely in Korean!I have contacted the uploader and got a link to Wind Translation Club blog, where it seems a full Korean translation of Mystik Belle has been available since September last year!So this isn't even a new thing, huh?!I'm both, flattered and surprised! I hope this will be useful to someone.Meanwhile, I'll have to look into adding Workshop support my games exactly for this kind of thing.Cheers.Andrew.

Hello guys and gals!With Belle releasing on consoles, the game finally got a bit of the attention from the mainstream audience, and with that began a new wave of complaints about its 'floaty' jumps. Personally, I prefer the slower, more controlled jumps, but this seems to be an unpopular opinion. Therefore I have updated the Beta branch of the game with, among other things, a new, quicker jump for Belle. Let's hope it's more to everyone's liking.Here's what's new in RC5A59:. Changed player gravity to minimize 'floaty' complaints. Changed how double-jump works.

Can now be executed at any point of the trajectory. Minor platform tweaks across the map to eliminate close call jumps and just-out-of-reach ledges. Replaced player walk animation with a jog to make it look 'faster'. Lowered some of the enemy HP early in the game to make them less annoying to take out with Belle's base shot. Added item name popups - the pickup names should be located at index $$371, otherwise default names are used.

Made the Turbo mode the game default (thinking of locking the game to Turbo and removing the option in future updates. What do you think?). Fixed up the 30 fps mode, as it's been falling by the wayside. Increased frog sleep timer by one second. Might not be enough. Fixed plant-shooter-platforms to spawn at consistent height. Some changes to Sinclair's portrait and model.

Added another state for him during end-game. Fixed a bug with Bitterwarts, where her item collision could become picky. Fixed Skelebro's AI, so he wouldn't jump onto platforms, or flicker when backed into a corner. Added a few new sound effects.I'd love to hear if the new physics make the game better or worse. You can currently switch to the old jumping physics by pressing I in the debug mode.Beta branch password is as usual nowheretorun.

I have added two new experimental graphics modes to the game's Beta branch.Under the Advanced Options there are now three choices for View Port:. 424x240 - The original internal resolution.

Okay for scaling to any 16:9 display size. Track ps4 trophies. 480x270 - A larger view window. Should scale perfectly to 1080p 16:9 displays. 360x270 - A 4:3 mode for those rocking this aspect ratio.If anyone wants to give these new modes a try, especially the 4:3 one, please be my guest.Other beta branch changes are:(RC5A53). Belle can no longer get stuck between blast doors. Sinclair boss fight doors slam down before the start of the fight.

Added languages indication to pause menu. It's grayed out during gameplay, but lets players know language can be changed.

General pause menu fixes. Added (c) notice to the title screen.(RC5A54). Minor fixes. Added DLC hooks. The new scenarios should plug right in once complete.The Beta branch password is 'nowheretorun'. Something I always wanted Belle to have was custom animations for all her puzzle solutions.


Unfortunately, at the time of the game's release I had to write these off as an impossible luxury.However, with this update the game moves a few steps closer to my original goal! Now many of the game's puzzle solutions will be accompanied by a silly player animation.Also, I have nicely spruced up the game's foreground layers with more detail, and added a nifty pseudo-3D floor effect to a few rooms.Oh, and there's been lots and lots of bug-fixes all over the place, hopefully improving the overall gaming experience. Mystic Belle's Beta branch has been updated with a new build, introducing some pretty radical new features.First of these is the introduction of the difficulty select at the start of the game. The player will no longer be able to flip the difficulty at will during gameplay, as the modes are a bit more different now.Second major feature is the addition of warp chests. These are only available on the easier setting. The chests allow you to store up to 14 inventory items in them, which will be available in all other chests around the game's world.This should resolve at least some of the woes caused by the game's limited inventory space, as anywhere you go, there is likely to be a chest nearby.Beta branch password is 'nowheretorun'.

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